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i'm sydney biggs

my birthday


This year for my birthday, we really didn’t have any plans. We were thinking that maybe once we put Jack in bed, we’d watch a movie. I know, we were dreaming big.

But then my mom-in-law called to chat. And we realized that Ben’s brother was going to be in town from Idaho, it was my birthday, and we all just wanted to be together…so we planned a big party weekend!

Ben and Devon spent a lot of time helping their mom in the garden. She has done a complete overhaul on their backyard and it’s amazing! They are getting ready to put in a big garden swing and I can’t wait to spend some summer evenings watching the fireflies in her backyard.

Side note: fireflies will never not be magical to this California girl. I could talk to you forever about the little flying sparkles that make me so giddy I can hardly stand it, but I’ll spare you all. Just know that I love them.

We had a really fun meal of hot dogs cooked over the fire pit! For dessert we had peach pie. It was divine. I will always choose pie over cake. Always. I’ve requested birthday pies (and non-traditional cakes like pineapple upside down cake or strawberry shortcake) for the last long while because it’s just so much better. 🙂

On my birthday, I let myself take as many film photos as I wanted! No restrictions. Sadly one of the rolls didn’t actually catch and I sent in a blank roll to get developed. It was a sad day. But the roll of Portra 160 turned out beautifully. I am so happy with the results!!

It was a wonderful birthday full of family, sunshine, grubby toddlers, phone calls, sticky peaches, and all the people I love most (minus a few who are on the West Coast and a few on this coast who couldn’t be there).




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