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i'm sydney biggs

A Morning at the Dog Park | Kodak Gold


It’s no secret that I love shooting film on my little Canon A-1. I love my digital camera and even my iPhone, but sometimes I feel like film captures the emotion of what’s happening a little bit more (im)perfectly. And it’s the best.

A few mornings ago, Ben, Jack, Max and I woke up early and decided to take Gus to the dog park. We love going to the dog park as a family. I decided on a whim to load up my camera with some Kodak Gold film and bring it along. It’s my very most favorite consumer-grade film! The sun was just starting to peek over the trees as the fog was beginning to burn off.

There was nothing special about this morning. It was normal and it was exactly what I wanted captured forever.

I never want to forget how much Jack loves to play with the dogs. He is just beginning to give Gus commands and loves to tell him to “sit” and “go”. I never want to forget how he loves to wander with the chuck-it and try to throw the ball. I never want to forget how much he loves to play in the “wah-ee” (water) and make dog park soup, even if it’s really gross and he gets sad when we tell him he can’t. (I promise he wasn’t sad the entire time we were there, it’s just the only time he slows down enough for me to actually get a picture of him! Haha…) I never want to forget how snuggly Maxwell is. I love baby wearing and I love how he stares at everything with his big blue eyes. I never want to forget Gus running around like the dopey and lanky doodle that he is. And how much he adores Ben.

And Ben. May I never forget what an amazing father he is. How much he loves Jack, how much he loves Max, how much he loves Gus. May I never forget how much he loves to play. May I never forget how much he loves our family and always strives to give us as much of his time as he can.

Life. It’s so good. Here’s the entire roll.

Enjoy 🙂

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